The members of the JAR-Association are justice professionals, researchers specialised in the administration of justice, transnational, national and regional associations specialised in the administration of justice, and scientific institutions active in the administration of justice.

Any association and person whose activity and aims do not contradict the aims and statutes of the Association may be a member.

Experts who demonstrate a commitment in this field may also be admitted as individual members.

The members of JAR-Association fall into 2 categories: honorary members and ordinary members (individual and institutional). Honorary members are exempt from subscriptions.

All memberships last for one year from the moment of the payment of the fee.

  • Individual membership : 20 euros
  • Institutional membership : 200 euros

Institutional membership allows the institution to enrol 5 people as members ; however in case of voting for matters related to the Association, the institutional member is only entitled to cast one vote.

To sign up, please click here