Coming up
27 March 2023 9:30 CET (online)
International Colloquium: Crime and criminal justice statistics in Europe
Convenor: Anne Wallace
Speakers: Giorgia Telloli (Seconded National Expert in Eurostat –
Unit F4 -Income and living conditions; Quality of life) and
Merle Paats (Team Leader in Unit F4 for Gender Based Violence and Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics)
25-25 May 2023 (Roma Tre University, Rome)
Inaugural Congress
Registration and draft program coming soon
In the pipeline for the (European) Spring:
- International colloquium, OECD/SIGMA.
- E-seminar or Thematic brainstorming, Contents and techniques of the training for presidents and middle management positions in the courts.
Event Formats
E-seminar (about 80 minutes) – 1 or 2 presentations by invited speakers (of about 20 minutes each) moderated by a convenor, followed by 40 minutes of open discussion.
Thematic brainstorming (about 90 minutes): 4-5 speakers brainstorming discussion (about 1 hour) moderated by a convenor, followed by 30 minutes of open discussion.
International colloquia (about 60 minutes): 1 presentation about the international organization (of about 20 minutes) in a Q&A format by a convenor, followed by 40 minutes open discussion.
Project discussion (about 60 minutes): 1 presentation about the project (about 20 minutes), followed by 40 minutes of open discussion. Usually an outline of the project is provided more than one week before the event.
Paper discussion (about 60 minutes): 1 presentation about the paper (10 minutes), followed by 50 minutes open discussion. Usually the paper (in progress or printed) is provided more than one week before the event.